Warning Labels

Okay, so, this is my story:
One day, back in early 2002, when I was around 10, I decided to buy an Xbox. Well, I didn't exactly buy it, I FOUND it at the side of the road. Now, of course me, being 10, I didn't care that it was in horrible condition, and had scratches all over it.
A couple days later, once my dad and I fixed that thing up, I put it in my room and opened the disc tray; there was a game in it. It was a copy of Sonic CD.
This looked like a fake copy, (ever been to Bali?) the strange thing is that when my dad and I were fixing the Xbox, we didn't see that game in the disc tray, and despite its age, and the obvious fact that Sonic CD was for a completely different console made many years ago, it had absolutely ZERO scratches.
The other thing is it had a huge warning label on it that read in all caps "WARNING! IF YOU FEEL DIZZY, NAUSEOUS, OR ANXOIUS, STOP PLAYING IMMEDIATLEY!" I ignored the spelling mistakes, as this was obviously a bootleg version, loaded the disc up and started playing.
The game played just like normal, except for some framerate lag sometimes, but I noticed something. Something was wrong, different. I came closer to the TV and felt slightly disoriented. In addition to the high - pitched whine that all TVs back then made, there was a noise. It sounded like a repeating, very low - pitch beat, I thought it was just the TV and kept playing.
After about an hour of playing I felt dizzy, disoriented, and fatigued, even though I was sitting away from the TV. I concentrated, and heard some voices just above the low - pitch beat. They sounded Japanese, I got creeped out and thought I saw warning labels taped onto everything in the room for a second. As it was late, I went to bed.
I had mildly disturbing dreams, I can't remember them now, but they were slightly scary. The next day, I brought over a friend who understood Japanese. I played the game with him, and he was affected by the sound much more than I was. When he heard the voices, he said something, I can't remember what exactly, then he shivered and ran out of the house.
That night I had far more disturbing dreams, and these I remember, about a thing like Bigfoot, with tentacles coming out of its mouth and on its face, chasing me around the house. Whenever I found my parents, they would just turn into that thing.
I played the game more the next day. The sound was louder, and I was more disorientated, but I just had to keep playing. I couldn't stop, I was looking at the screen for ages when a warning sign popped up. It simply said: "THINK FAST" and then the most horrifying thing I ever saw popped up. It was that thing from my dreams, except this one looked real. I heard a horrid growl and it's tentacle - covered face smashed through the TV screen. It was coming for me.
I thought I was going to die, so all I could do was scream and shut my eyes. When I opened them, the disc tray had opened and the game was there. I took the Xbox outside, with the disc still in it, and did the only sensible thing to do in the early 2000's in Australia. I went to my dad's power tool shed, got the biggest hammer I could find, and smashed the living shit out of that thing.
I was there for about 10 minutes when my dad came out and asked what the hell I was doing, and I just yelled at him to get some petrol. Reluctantly, he did so, and we poured it all over the remains of that Xbox, lit it, and watched it burn.
I didn't touch video games for quite a while after that.
''Written by PClover69''